Ever found yourself texting a boy (or him texting you), for no apparent reason? Maybe even your ex-boyfriend, someone you don't really like, or hooked up with once, or says nice things to you, or maybe it's just fun! But then why do you get angry when you see him out with other girls? Do you find yourself caring too much and even think it's stupid yourself?
That's texting for ya. For some reason texting can have this emotional pull that develops fake feelings and plays into our own secret desires for attention and affirmation. When you find yourself in this situation, think, "Would we be speaking this much if we didn't have texting?" Imagine a world without texting. Would you try to meet up with him, would you enjoy spending time with him if he wasn't constantly giving you digital attention?
This also works for lingering ex-boyfriends. Don't let your past relationships haunt you by allowing them to stay prevalent in your life through texting. This distorts the reality - you broke up for a REASON! Texting is not real life. The incompatibilities, fights, douchey-ness, and all else was why you broke up.
Resist the urge to text with no reason and you'll be happier, more in touch with your feelings, and developing more meaningful, genuine relationships!
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